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Laser and IPL issues so complex that perhaps AHPRA need to be involved say ARPANSA

Laser and IPL issues so complex that perhaps AHPRA need to be involved say ARPANSA

We know that the issues around the use of laser and IPL are far wider reaching than just radiation health. The issue report ARPANSA has to deal with runs to 447 pages and analysis is expected to be lengthy with them considering involving both AHPRA and the TGA. Governance, health practitioner minimum qualifications, scope of practice, the ability of poorly or non trained operators to access dangerous Class 3B and Class 4 technology in WA, Victoria, NSW and both the ACT and NT, and the importation of low quality and often mislabelled (read 'intentionally wrongly labelled to avoid regulation') machines are just a few of the key issues.

The industry is waiting expectantly for further direction with regard to the much called for mandatory laser and IPL safety certification including the need for three yearly refresher courses. But why are they waiting? The Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia (NMBA) has a position statement on Nurses and cosmetic procedures that makes it abundantly clear that in expanding their scope of practice to include IPL and laser that nurses use a decision-making framework to ensure that they have the necessary education. The Medical Board of Australia too must be applauded for its direction with regard to cosmetic medicine and laser/IPL procedures for minors and like the NMBA, has explicit continuing professional education guidelines already in place for doctors. So what is AHPRA's role if the processes are already in place? An audit of the scope of practice and CPD record of registered health practitioners in the cosmetic industry specifically maybe? Reprimand and/or conditions where a deficit is identified? We imagine that AHPRA wouldn't support targeting a specific sub-group where they are all bound by professional conduct principles anyway would they? Furthering your laser/IPL education is just good professional practice.

Bravura Education are committed to continuing to set the education standard for registered health professionals based on evidence and best practice. Our graduates believe that our Beginner laser & intense pulsed light safety training course sets the benchmark. It is recognised by the only three Australian Radiation Health Departments that regulate lasers and IPL, the Australian College of Nursing and the Australasian College of Cosmetic Surgery and conforms to the AU/NZ Guide to the safe use of lasers in health care (2004) and the Professional Practice Standards and Scope of Practice for Aesthetic Nursing Practice In Australia (2015).

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