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Australia lighting the way in laser safety and standards

Australia lighting the way in laser safety and standards

I have just spent a few days in New Zealand promoting our laser safety courses to the hospitals, skin clinics and perioperative nurses. It was interesting to note that lasers are largely unregulated in NZ and that besides the Australian/New Zealand Standard (AS/NZS 4173:2004) that are currently under review there is little guidance on the safe use of lasers in health care. What was great to see was that NZ health authorities have recently introduced strong workplace safety laws and there was a strong acknowledgment that laser safety is a fundamental part of these initiatives.

It made me realise that the move to contemporise the Standards (due for release next year) and the proposed regulation and national uniformity of lasers and IPL in cosmetic practice is something that as a community we should all be really proud of. As a registered health practitioner I love the certainty that such legislative frameworks give to my clinical practice as well as the assurance that what I do for my clients is the best possible care and safety available.

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