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Throughout my time at Bravura there are certain questions that I get asked, almost daily, so I wanted to make a lil FAQ blog to answer the top 5 questions…


  1. Which course should I start with? 

It all depends on where you are in your career. The most common pathway for brand new students is the beginner and advanced courses. Our beginner course will help you understand the science of light, laser and IPL systems, national and state standards and regulation, how light interacts with the skin and hair and the key safety issues you need to be across before you do treatments. This one covers the minimum certification required by the Australian Standards and to help get insurance coverage. 

The Advanced course is specific to the common types of things you would be treating including what wavelengths/laser or IPL to use, how to prepare the client, what to look out for, how to determine what and how you'll treat and post-care arrangements. It covers hair reduction, vascular conditions, pigmentation disorders, resurfacing and rejuvenation, tattoo removal and PDT. It has information on preventing and managing adverse events.

If you are already in the industry and have done these or similar certificates in the past, then we have other options for you, like our medical-grade chemical peels or topical anaesthetic applications courses. There is no 'one size fits all' we can mix and match some of the courses to suit your needs. 

  1. Is this a laser license? 

The certificate isn't your laser license, but it is part of your application for states that require a license to use laser/IPL - QLD, WA and TAS. Our beginner certificate may be used on the fast track application form when applying.

  1. Do you have payment plan options? 

We do indeed. We have a lay-buy option! It requires a 20% deposit and a one-off admin fee of 1.9% (that's $20-$30 depending on the course you choose). You then have up to twelve months to pay the remainder of the course. It is set up as a direct debit with PayPal and you can start the course immediately. Paying over a number of months makes it possible for you to study now without the financial pressure upfront. 

  1. How long does the course take? 

It can take as little or as long as YOU like. If you want to spend the whole Weekend studying and do your exam, go for it. If you want to spend an hour a day reading and learning, so be it. Our beginners’ course for example requires on average 8 hours to complete, however we don't put a time limit on you to work through your modules. You can go at your own pace. We do ‘time’ the final exam, however we provide ample time to complete it (2 hours) and it’s an open book exam, so that helps relieve the pressure. 

  1. Do I need practical training as well? 

SUCH A POPULAR QUESTION.... For any of you I have spoken to about this, you know what example I am going to use..  The oven!!! There are 1000's of oven on the market, just like there are over 1000 laser/IPL machines. If you understand the theory behind how an oven works, the difference between the settings and the temperature to use, then you are safe to go ahead and use the oven in your apartment or your rental property and then your mother in laws, best friends (you get my point). The same applies for a laser, if you understand HOW it works, and the science behind it, you can press the buttons on the machine. Most students think the handling of the machine is what they need to learn first when in fact the science of the light is first and foremost.  In saying that, we absolutely can provide practical training. We have the option of coming to you if you have a machine or you can visit our trainer in Lismore for some 1on1 training in the clinic. Both are quoted for each student individually depending on your needs. You must have a minimum of your laser safety certificate before practical can begin. 

I am always available to answer any questions you may have, please feel free to email me directly 

Krystle x

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