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Redness with Laser IPL

Treating Redness with Laser/IPL

When redness is good

99.99% of us leave after an IPL or laser treatment bright red and this is a GOOD thing. We sometimes joke in the clinic that if our patient looks worse than when they came in for their redness, we’ve done our job! Within reason of course, as you know burns or blisters are not OK. Leaving the clinic red means that the vessels that we are targeting have absorbed the light, converted it to heat and our bodies are in the process of inflammation and repair. Our aim when treating redness is to cause sufficient irritation and inflammation of the walls of the vessels that they collapse and recede back into the skin.

When redness is a long-term nuisance

When you are treating a chronic skin condition like rosacea, treatment with laser/IPL forms part of the control and maintenance, this isn’t something that will just ‘go away’ but it’s manageable. We usually see our rosacea patients every week for three to six weeks initially and then every few months to control/prevent it. We use LED a LOT too for these patients to strengthen and calm the skin. Cosmeceuticals/medical grade skincare for home care are essential too. Rosacea can sometimes have triggers like spicy foods or exposure to heat so understanding this can help too.

Instant gratification

Broken capillaries regardless of where they are on the face or body can often collapse and disappear after one to three treatments, but will require maintenance throughout the year. Think about wintertime (Do I have to??), blowing your nose during flu season and disrupting the tiny vessels constantly around that fragile area means an update will be needed. Flushed cheeks, overall facial redness, superficial leg veins and red scars - can often be treated with a course of up to 6 sessions spaced weekly or fortnightly apart.

Laser or IPL?

Laser and IPL may be combined for the best results, alternating sessions. Often IPL is suited for superficial treatments such as scarring and broken capillaries while laser is good for underlying redness which is the flushed, all over red appearance.

In good hands

It is always appropriate to visit your clinician for a thorough consultation of YOUR skin before beginning any treatments and as always SPF is a 100% non-negotiable in todays world, but even more so while having these treatments.

Want to know more about treating vascular conditions. CLICK HERE

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