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National IPL and Laser Hair Reduction Survey: Skills and Training survey by SkillsIQ

National IPL and Laser Hair Reduction Survey: Skills and Training survey by SkillsIQ

ASK YOURSELF are you happy with the time commitment, costs and value for money of the current courses available to you for laser/IPL hair reduction? Do they have an assurance guarantee? What's the relevance of them to your level of professionalism? The ability they provide to learn at your own pace, in your own time? Are you being taught by peers? Are the courses flexible enough to keep up with a rapidly evolving industry? Does it give you recognition to access post graduate studies at Masters level? Is a post graduate certificate 'overkill' for a skill like this and it needs to be in the post graduate continuing professional development space for registered health professionals and beauty therapists? Is it ethical for the companies that sell lasers & IPL to train or should it be independent? What accreditation or endorsements should be built in to have an assurance of quality? HAVE YOUR SAY

DO YOU AGREE with the testimonials we've received about our laser/IPL safety courses (below)?

"Finally an IPL course for medical and nursing professionals! This course sets the benchmark for safe practice in IPL & laser nationally. As an RN with a Bachelor Sc., the IPL courses offered through the 'beauty industry' just didn't cut it for me and couldn't compete with the academic level of content in this course. It combines advanced light physics with dermatology and research - so much interesting learning material included. Doing this course has put me on the right path to safe, professional, best practice in IPL and laser." RN Coogee, NSW.

"I would like to congratulate you on the laser safety course which you are now offering. I have been very concerned for some time that many of my students have paid huge fees for what they thought were laser safety courses only to feel that the courses were totally inadequate for their needs. Not only does your course offer all the requirements necessary but the fees are very reasonable. I am very happy to recommend this course to anyone who is looking to complete a proper laser safety course which has been very professionally put together.." Ms. Ricky Allen (Director Aesthetic Reconstructions and Editor at large for Beauty and Health for Vogue Australia).


SkillsIQ is currently seeking the input of industry professionals to provide comment on the skills needs of IPL and Laser practitioners and the current training options available in Australia. This feedback will inform the proposed review of the Graduate Certificate in Intense Pulsed Light and Laser Hair Reduction.

The current Graduate Certificate in Intense Pulsed Light and Laser Hair Reduction reflects the role of individuals who apply substantial specialised knowledge and skills to design and safely apply non-ionising radiation treatments using intense pulsed light and laser technologies to reduce unwanted hair on the face and body.

To capture the input of employers, industry professionals and practitioners SkillsIQ is undertaking a national survey. Feedback received will inform the development of a business case proposing a review of the existing qualification to ensure it remains relevant to both current and future skills needs.

This survey should take no more than 10 minutes to complete. The survey will be open until 30 November 2016. After you complete the survey, please feel free to forward the link to industry colleagues who may have interest in providing input.

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This blog post has been vigilantly researched and fact checked to ensure that it is accurate, reliable and up to date. You must keep in mind that errors and omissions may occur and that we welcome any feedback or corrections in this regard. We encourage you to do your own research to verify the accuracy and contemporary nature of the information presented.

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