What is a Laser Safety Officer?
This role is a big responsibility but quite a rewarding one. Did you know too that if you're the only one in your facility using the laser it is automatically your job? Here we guide you as to what the role involves and have a free policy template for you to download and use in your workplace.
The Laser Safety Officer is also the passionate advocate for education and training. They are the person who organises initial and refresher laser safety courses and orientation and training on the site specific lasers.
The procedure shall be discontinued, and the laser equipment is olated in a safe condition, with any key remove d and given to the Laser Safety Officer. -
All persons in the room shall be e valuated for injury or for po tential unintended laser exposure, and referred for appr opriate medical management. -
No equipment shall be removed from the area unless such removal has been authorised by the Laser Safety Officer or their deputy. -
The incident shall be documente d (with time and date stamped p hotographs, if possible), including details of all persons and equipment in th e room, along with their locations at the time of the incident. -
Write a description of what happe ned in the room, including con dition of the patient, instruments and devices in use, level of anaesthesia, and part of the body being treated, before assuming any other duties in the surgical suite, and sub mit the reports to the Laser Safety Officer.
To download your free policy template click here.
Reference: AS/NZ 4173:2018 Safe use of lasers and light sources in health care. Standards Australia.
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