Who is responsible for your clinical practice?
Well.....YOU! Any surprise there? No?
That's interesting because over the last few years we've had a couple of interesting cases come our way.
Case Study One: Class 4 Laser
The first one was a potential student from regional Queensland. Let's call her Alexis. Alexis had been doing laser hair removal in her beauty salon for about ten years and thought it would be a good idea to "get a certificate so my clients can see that I'm keeping up to date." Great idea Alexis. What she hadn't realised though is that she had been operating illegally in Queensland for over a decade.
Queensland has very specific legislation around the ownership and use of lasers (find out more HERE). By not abiding by them, Alexis was putting her business in jeopardy and risking huge fines. We helped her work through the process to be legally compliant and get on with her business by applying for her Possession and Acquisition licences. She did our Beginner's Course to validate her knowledge and brush up on all the new information as well as obtain her laser trainee licence.
Case Study Two: Cosmetic Injectables
This second case is more serious. We were contacted by a concerned citizen about a woman holding herself out as a registered nurse. She contacted us because she saw that we were an educator in the cosmetic medicine space and trusted us to know what to do.
This person, let's call her Emilia, had done an online cosmetic injecting course and had been injecting people with product sourced from an unknown avenue (also a criminal offence). It transpired that Emilia was taking large deposits from people and never delivering a service as well as injecting illegally. She was in fact, not a nurse at all. Sadly, it had to be left in the hands of the state police in order to ensure public safety. A similar case to this one was reported in the media in early 2020.
Personal responsibility
The upshot of both of these case studies is that ignorance is no excuse and you alone are responsible for your own practice. Ensure that you are working within the law in your chosen endeavours and do not under any circumstances work beyond your authority and capabilities.
As always, if you have any questions, reach out to us HERE.
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