Clinicians, policymakers, and payers see guidelines as a tool for making care more consistent and efficient and for closing the gap between what clinicians do and what scientific evidence supports. Woolf et al, (1999) BMJ. Feb 20; 318(7182): 527–530.
We help you get your ducks in a row for this complex and important component of clinical practice and your Radiation Safety Plan. Save hours and your sanity!
This editable starter pack of standard operating policies and procedures (SOPP) is an absolute time-saver for you if you are starting up a new clinic or wanting to comply with mandatory elements of the Australian/NZ Standards (4173:2018). Finesse and add your logo, how easy is that?
Pack includes:
Editable Door Sign
Controlled Access Policy
Test Patch Policy
Eye Safety Policy
Managing Plume Policy
Laser Safety Officer Policy
Test Firing CO2 Laser Policy
Handling a Fibre Optic Policy
As always, if you have any questions, reach out to us HERE.
**Disclaimer: These SOPP are in order to provide a framework for clinical practice. They should not be used to the exclusion of other relevant clinical practice guidelines. Furthermore, it does not substitute for professional and clinical judgment according to specific clinical requirements that may or may not be included within it. Users of these SOPP must exercise their own professional judgment and care. To the maximum extent permitted by law, The Right Medicine Pty Ltd, as author of these SOPP, disclaims all responsibility and liability (whether in contract, tort or otherwise) in relation to the use of material in this SOPP and for any direct or indirect loss, damage or consequences arising from the reliance on, compliance with or use of SOPP. These SOPP are not to be shared electronically or otherwise with a third party except with the express written permission of The Right Medicine Pty Ltd.